
by | Apr 27, 2012 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

I’ve been absent from WordPress for a while and I have to apologise to the followers I have. I didn’t really think about the unspoken marriage you have with your blog the moment you go public. The commitment isn’t for everyone, but it is for me. So that’s why I apologise.

This week I handed in my dissertation. It was the first piece of coursework, in 3 years, I actually gave myself plenty of time for, and had very little stress about. Which was great because it was probably the most important coursework I’ll have ever done.

After two people proofread my hefty paper, I have come to a conclusion that most probably affects my blog here. I bloody love commas. I had to remove about 100 instances of excessive commas, working through sentences that were so long that you forgot what the start of it said by the time you finished. I’m trying to get help, I’m making an active effort to remember my full stops every day now.

So on Wednesday I got up early, was one of the first to hand it in; printed, binded, submitted within half an hour. Then off to breakfast with my two dear housemates. They didn’t want to let the celebration go unnoticed, so we had a champagne cocktail with our fancy meals. After a grand day of shopping, we treated our exhausted selves with a pint. We anticipated getting a little merry, but 4 bars later, and many, many rounds, we were obliterated.

Thursday, was nowhere near as much fun as the day before. Despite playing ‘the memory game’* and eating chips in bed all day, I couldn’t bring myself to do anything. Including publishing a blog.

It’s now Friday, and I have finally gotten myself together.

2 more essays, and an exam, and then it is all over. A month, and I won’t be studying as an undergraduate any more. 31 days, and I will need to find something else to do with life.

Scary thoughts, although with Life Plans B, C, and D, I’ve got quite the safety net.

It was nice to see you again, and I’ll speak to you soon.

* The Memory Game: Usually played the morning after a heavy, alcohol-infused night before, this game can be played with as many people as it takes to complete it. The task is simple. Answer the question: What the fuck happened last night? Fit together a chronological order of the events, places and people involved to fill up those blurry blank patches in your memory. Finding bruises and receipts can help, but more often than not just cause confusion. Looking through a camera/phone for photos is highly recommended, but be warned of going through call/text logs. Side effects may include embarrassment and nausea.

Written By Sabah Choudrey

About the Author: Sabah Choudrey

Sabah Choudrey is a renowned consultant, writer, and speaker. With a background in public speaking, writing, and therapy, Sabah is dedicated to advocating for mental health and LGBTQ+ rights. Their work has inspired many to embrace their identities and live authentically.

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