
Ramadan 2020

Ramadan 2020

This is the first Ramadan without dad. A Ramadan without looking after anyone else. The challenge this Ramadan will be looking after myself. It’s already been a challenge with the COVID-19 pandemic to be honest… Every week I struggle in a new way but that’s told me...

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Ramadan reflections and re-writing intentions

Ramadan reflections and re-writing intentions

On Friday I was inspired to by a khutbah at IMI Jummah to re-write my intentions for Ramadan. Before Friday, my intentions were very simple, almost urgent pleas: This isn’t about losing weight, starving, withholding, punishing. When it feels like that, when that voice...

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My Queer Ramadan

My Queer Ramadan

“During Ramadan, especially as a queer Muslim, it kind of highlights how difficult it can be to find community, we’re not really allowed to be queer in the Muslim community, or Muslim in the queer community. “I often feel a bit isolated during...

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Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak to all my Muslim brothers, sisters, non-binary siblings and the rest of my queer family. This month has been one of the hardest months I've faced yet. I have never felt so challenged, by my parents, myself, and my own faith. I feel it's true what they say,...

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