There are so many links, lists and resources out there to look after ourselves during this covid-19 pandemic – this one is no different nor is it complete. I just wanted somewhere to put all the things I found myself sharing often, mostly nice things, not all related to the pandemic. Astrology memes/cat videos have been soothing but kept me attached to my phone and the endless scrolling where, inevitably, a loud heart-breaking headline would suddenly hit me. So here are some other nice things when a meme is not enough.
(nice things on healthcare, helplines and aid is UK specific but everything else should be nice all over)
Please! Use! Official! Legitimate! Sources! For! Latest! Coronavirus! Information!
I said that I no longer need to check the news because I have WhatsApp groups BUT THIS IS A SAD JOKE. Tell your aunties/uncles/famalam to stop forwarding information that isn’t from legitimate sources because the government, NHS, emergency services do not send out information like that. Fine, keep drinking your hot water/cinnamon tea/garlic juice AND listen to legit health warnings and updates AS WELL from the official websites (not from your friend’s brother-in-law/uncle’s husband/grandma’s sister’s pet goat)
Coronavirus and mental health by Good Thinking, digital mental wellbeing for London
Nine strategies for quarantining in a non-LGBTQ accepting environment by Wren Sanders, Them
A radical reframing of covid-19 by Eco Green Love
Trans resilience in isolation by GALOP
A guide to safer online parties by Good Night Out Campaign
LGBT+ guide to self-isolation by House of Pride
Love in a time of corona, tips and support by Farzana Khan
And one of my all time fave resources, Hell Yeah Self Care by Meg-John Barker
Meg-John and Justin. How to deal with stress and the coronavirus
What The Trans?! Episode 42: LOCKDOWN SPECIAL: pulling together in quarantown
Look, you know what is going on and it is all a bit much so we bunkered down and spoke to the amazing Ica Nienz (Isolation Collective), Sabah Choudrey (Trans Pride Brighton/”reluctant activist”) and Kate Glanfield (Trans Gloucester) because honestly, what else were we gonna do?
The New Arab Voice Podcast: Queerness under quarantine, how the LGBT+ community is coping with the coronavirus
In this episode, we will be speaking to members of LGBT+ communities living in the Middle East and those who are part of the Arab or Muslim diaspora, Sabah Choudrey, Aniqah Chouhri and representatives of organisations in Lebanon and Tunisia.
And eleven soothing podcasts to bring calm during self-isolation via The Independent
and some Muslim/Ramadan things
Five quotes from the Qu’ran to keep you calm via
30 days of Ramadan by Sohaib N. Sultan, Time
Inclusive Ramadan Practice in Quarantine by Inclusive Mosque Initiative
Queer Islam reading list by Shereen @ya_shoosh
Digital programme via Masjid Al-Rabia, spiritual care for marginalised Muslims